January 10, 2011
Hello everyone,
Thousands of people in Jackson and surrounding area suffer from depression and other mood disorders. They do not know we are here for them. They do not know we have weekly meetings for support and education in medications and treatments modalities. They do not know what a warm and caring “family” we are to others like ourselves. They do not know how much we want to meet them and include them as part of the family . . . we do not know them but we miss them. There is a hole in our hearts for those we know as well as we know ourselves.
DBSA Jackson is taking as part of its mission for 2012 a renewed commitment to combat stigma through education of individuals, groups, and organizations. We ask all our board members, officers, group facilitators and support group attendees to make a personal commitment to speak out against stigma. Together we can communicate that all human beings are deserving of respect and dignity as individual expressions of the Creator - without exception.
OUR MEETING LAST WEEK: What a great time we enjoyed in our last meeting. Our attendance provided Sheila a great audience for a discussion period that proved beneficial for everyone. Spirits were high, the food was good, and the hugs were comforting. It was great to see all of you out for our “family time.” Also, Velmar bought a copy of my book that is part of a donation drive. The proceeds from each sale go to the DBSA Jackson chapter. Thank you, Velmar!
OUR MEETING THIS WEEK: We will take a moment at the beginning of our meeting to remember those in the community, isolated, suffering alone in their pain. I will facilitate the meeting. Again, I plan to pass out survey forms to those who did not complete one last week. The plan is to survey the attendees during the month of January. Jennifer and I will report the results after they are prepared in February.
CHANGE OF MEETING ROOM FOR THIS WEEK: We in the City/County room this week. It is just past Medical Founders Room C as you move down the hall. Please make note of the change for this week’s meeting. Thanks!
CHAPTER NEWS: Repeat announcement: During the month of January, our chapter is conducting a survey. In the survey, we are asking the attendees to let us know how we are doing in providing support, information and socializing opportunities. Our officers will collect the information from the surveys and report the results at the meetings in February. Our chapter is planning to begin some new projects this year, with your and the board of director's help.
A repeat announcement: Also, we are installing our officers for the coming year. Along with the officers, we are training a new facilitator, William, and asking for a volunteer for the position of Social Events Coordinator. For all of our positions, volunteers are never left to carry on the work alone for we all work together to bring our chapter's goals to success. Our board members are taking a more direct role in working with the leaders to help and advise as needed. We are so very thankful for a board of directors that sincerely joins us in our mission.
Take a moment in your day to remember those suffering with depression and bipolar disorder who do not know we are here for them.
Peacefulness to you and yours,
When you're with us, you're family.